• Designation: Co-Founder
  • Company: Card91

Kush Srivastava has been doing “FinTech” days before the term was even coined. His finance & technology journey has been continuing for the last 15 years. It started in 2006 with a small payment dream called mChek which was way before its time in real payment tech. He has started as a senior developer there and in the next 6 years was Heading the engineering developing a product that taught the industry that “mobile phone” can be used as a payment instrument. The next stint (3 years) was even more technology satisfying wherein we together built the “architecture” of Ezetap mobile POS again making the world realise that super intelligent and secure tech can be developed from India.

His full-fledged entrepreneur journey started (2015) with Quiklo (in the previous roles @mchek and @ezetap as well he had the privilege of working as a founder itself) which made me diverge my fintech journey to another major vertical, Lending!. For the last 3 years, he has also been a strategic consultant for multiple lending startups wherein he has helped them in making the product, setting up the operations and cracking the distribution.

He is back with Card91 to super tough and regulated payment tech.